Sunday 19 September 2010

Favourite Words

I caught a conversation on the radio today about a subject I've never given much thought to (I think it was on Radio 4 but it might have been BBC Scotland - it was one of those shows where they talk very meaningfully about nothing in particular). Anyway, it was on the subject of "favourite words". Now, I can understand why someone may have a favourite book or play or poem - or even a favourite verse or lyric from a song - but I'm puzzled as to why someone might have a favourite word. It just strikes me as atomism gone mad.

In fact, on having searched the internet it looks like it's quite a popular subject. There is a whole website dedicated to it. Actually, after looking through the site it appears that they are planning to write a book on the back of it. I'm unsure as to whether this is an intriguing way of carrying out research or a cheap trick to get everyone one else to write their book for them! But having thought on, I possibly do have a favourite word; and that word is: Darkness.

Why Darkness? Well, I think it appeals to my sense of musicality. It's onomatopoeic: a tone poem in miniature with it's long opening vowel, hard and unexpected middle consonants leading to a whispering sibilant at the end. Just like an owl swooping down and disappearing into the night. For greatest effect, it should be pronounced in a markedly South Wales accent - think Anthony Hopkins. Maybe I like the word because I tend to have a dour , gloomy nature; I'm not sure but Lord Byron was inspired enough to write a poem called Darkness.

1 comment:

  1. theodolite, fluffy, flange, peanut, Womble, anchovie, evangelist, cretin, fart, nubile
