Friday 1 January 2010

Why blog?

It's a very good question. I have never been a particularly good diarist and have never really seen the point of it - either I will retain my thoughts or I'd rather forget them (and certainly not have them recorded publicly). The only real point of a diary, as far as I can see, is to air one's views for the reception of a greater audience. But I don't see myself as a Samuel Pepys - or a Tony Benn for that matter.

Yet, I still find the need to express myself out loud - whether this in letters, online forums or merely talking to myself when walking the dog (or even talking to the dog - but I do find domestic quadrupeds prone to self-opinionated twaddle). So, it's possibly time to give this a try. It's a new year - arguably a new decade - and I'm going to try this "recorded for posterity" lark once more. If you have found this blog in a year or so with two or three entries then I have clearly lost interest - as I did with the pocket diaries which inevitable formed part of my childhood Christmas stocking. Otherwise you will find this filled with my aimless meanderings of half-watched TV programmes, absurd musical tastes, philosophical musings and the little daemons that life throws up to bother me.

Let's see how long it is before I add another entry - hopefully once this crippling hangover shifts!

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