Friday 2 March 2018


It snowed. In fact it snowed more than it has done for a good eight years. Not that we weren't warned as the Met Office gave us a "Red" warning. This is there most extreme warning and follows from "Yellow" meaning that there may be crappy weather, through "Amber" which means that there will be crappy weather, whereas "Red" means zombie apocalypse.

This first picture was on Wednesday morning. We had had the "Orange" alert for a while with quite a bit of snowfall but this was just before it went "Red":

This is the following morning just after the "Red" was lifted. The snow had drifted to almost a metre in height in places and my car was well and truly buried regardless of whether the tyres could handle any snow:

I walked down to the supermarket on Thursday rather than attempt to dig anything out. This was quite odd as I had never seen so many people wandering to and from the shop with bags of shopping. It's easy to forget that most people tend to drive for their groceries.

By Friday the snow plough had been around and I ended up shovelling the snow from the driveway which took a backbreaking 2 hours to complete:

I hope my neighbour doesn't mind that I rather yobbishly dumped all the snow on his front garden:

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