Sunday 29 October 2017


One of the odd features with Facebook is that it periodically encourages its users to repost old entries that were made on that particular day a number of years ago. I suppose if it is a wedding or other notable event then it would be nice to share the memory but on Friday it encouraged me to share the news that my dog, Eddie, died a year ago. I chose to decline the invitation. Apart from being a rather upsetting thing to repost I can’t believe it is a year already – I still look around when walking Sam still expecting to see Eddie with his nose stuck in something discusting.

The odd thing with Facebook is that I find it strangely addictive. I don’t post too many things myself but I do find myself compelled to see trivia entered by others. For the most part this generally consists of utter garbage although I do appreciate the occasional jokes and banter.

Recently I’ve been finding Facebook to be a continual bore to read through. Obviously I appreciate that it is funded by advertising but I seem to be continually bombarded by adverts for products that I have absolutely no interest in whatsoever which is surely wasting those companies’ marketing budgets. Also, I find that if I buy an item online I am perpetually pestered with adverts for exactly the same products even though I have zero chance of going for them as I’ve just purchased the thing.

I realise that Facebook content is algorithmically based but I can’t help but think that the Facebook sales team are taking their customers for a ride. Occasionally things do come up that I am genuinely interested in but for the most part I’ll stick to the jokes and banter.

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