Sunday 8 January 2017

The Programme That You Are About To Watch...

It’s the first week of 2017 and despite me hoping that things would improve over last year the BBC have already hacked me off by changing their pre-programme idents on BBC One. In the greater scheme of things this really shouldn’t matter but I rather liked the old ones and the new ones, so far, are just a little bit naff. They have said that they are going to have new ones throughout the year so maybe we will see some sense to their scheme of “Oneness” as the seasons change but so far we are stuck with either a Zumba class or a bunch of middle-age swimmers, standing around, freezing and looking like spare parts:

There have been a surprising number of BBC idents over the years. Many of these have been based on the theme of a globe:

This is probably the first one that I vividly remember which involved a globe and a doughnut:

With the advent of computer graphics a more elegant design was chosen:

Many people’s favourite involved the globe in the form of an orange balloon against a backdrop of  the country's iconic landmarks:

… and then there were the dancers. These look quite good on a first viewing but are tedious beyond belief once they have been viewed for an 11th, 12th, umpteenth time:

For the last 10 years we have had the “circle” idents which have shown various scenes that are ever so slightly surreal involving a circle. The hippos are meant to be a favourite but my personal favourite is the magical forest ident, possibly because there is so much detail going on.

We'll have to see how this goes. I'm just hoping that they don't bring back a plummy voiced chap ina dinner jacket. Frankly, anything is possible.

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