Sunday, 18 December 2016

Christmas Stockings

My children finally pulled back the curtain and found me operating the controls of Santa Claus a few Christmases back. In a way it is something of a relief as the beard of the Santa costume is somewhat scratchy and there is only so long that I can hang about in the freezing cold waiting bring the presents in whilst “Dad has just popped out to pick up Nana.” However, the one element of the whole charade that I have kept up is the Christmas stockings. In fact it is the one bit of Christmas that I probably miss myself: being able to delve into an old football sock to see what little gifts have been left inside.

It is something of a hassle to find suitable gifts. Sweets (particularly chocolate coins) are a good bet as is the inevitable tangerine. I also tend to go for bits of stationary (coloured pencils and the like) which will get some use, as will bubble bath, novelty mugs and small books. After that it does get into the territory of plastic crap to fill the thing out. Just how many plastic dinosaurs do children really need (the answer is “tons”).

The other challenge is trying to find bits that are similar that will appeal to all three children. A metal nibbed fountain pen may be suitable as a writing gift for a 15 year old but it is more likely to be used as an offensive weapon by his younger brother. The best bet is to get something similar that is age appropriate for him: crayons is it, then?

One thing that hasn’t changed is the kid’s attitude to their “big” present. In the past we have had to explain that although Santa is both magic and philanthropic, he isn’t a millionaire. Unfortunately, now they know where the present come from they seem to think that I am as rich as Crassus.

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